Teddy Bear Fingerprint GuestbookGuest BooksMARY & FAPMARY & FAP
Kuscheliges Teddybär-Fingerabdruck-Gästebuch
Kuscheliges Teddybär-Fingerabdruck-Gästebuch

Kuscheliges Teddybär-Fingerabdruck-Gästebuch

Normaler Preis34.95 GEL

Empfohlene Druckgrößen und Anzahl der Fingerabdrücke
Druckgröße Empfohlene Fingerabdruckanzahl
8x10 Zoll 5 bis 35 Fingerabdrücke
12x16 Zoll 40 bis 75 Fingerabdrücke
12x18 Zoll 50 bis 95 Fingerabdrücke
16x20 Zoll 100 bis 150 Fingerabdrücke
18x24 Zoll 150 bis 200 Fingerabdrücke
24x36 Zoll 150 bis 250 Fingerabdrücke
21x30cm 15 bis 50 Fingerabdrücke
30x40 cm 35 bis 90 Fingerabdrücke
50x70cm 105 bis 165 Fingerabdrücke
70x100 cm 175 bis 275 Fingerabdrücke

* Möchten Sie Ihre Größe lieber in einer anderen Größe ausdrucken? Geben Sie bei der Bestellung einfach Ihre individuelle Größe in der Notiz an den Verkäufer an.

ტელეფონით ყიდვა
მიწოდება 2-3 დღეში
🎁 100₾ მეტის შენაძენზე მიწოდება უფასოა
დაბრუნების პოლიტიკა 90 დღე
Feiern Sie die besonderen Momente Ihres Kindes mit unserem Kuschel-Teddybär-Fingerabdruck-Gästebuch. Dieses verspielte Andenken lädt junge Gäste dazu ein, ihre Spuren zu hinterlassen und eine wertvolle Erinnerung an die Freude und Wunder der Kindheit zu schaffen.

Fügen Sie Ihre Personalisierung hinzu

  • Schriftartnummer (Sie finden sie auf dem letzten Foto)
  • Wortlaut, der erscheinen soll: (Namen, Datum oder Satz/oder keiner)
    • Elisabeth und Daniel
    • 21. Juli 2019
    • Minze
  • Textfarbe (Basis-Schwarz / oder eine beliebige Farbe)
  • Alle individuellen Wünsche
  • * Bitte geben Sie den Text mit Groß- und Kleinschreibung und Zeilenumbrüchen genau so ein, wie Sie sie möchten.

Bitte füllen Sie alle Felder aus, bevor Sie es in den Warenkorb legen

  • Georgian Flag
    დამზადებულია საქართველოში
  • Premium Paper
    პრემიუმ ხარისხის ქაღალდი
  • Eco
    ქაღალდი მდგრადია სიძველისადმი

აღმოაჩინე თითის ანაბეჭდის სტუმრების წიგნი: უნიკალური გზა მოგონებების შესაქმნელად

დახვეწე ტრადიციული სტუმრების წიგნის გამოცდილება ჩვენი ინოვაციური თითის ანაბეჭდის სტუმრების წიგნით, რომელიც თანამედროვე მოტივაციაა მნიშვნელოვანი მოვლენების მემორიალიზაციისთვის. ეს უნიკალური სუვენირი იდეალურია ქორწილებისთვის, იუბილებისთვის ან ნებისმიერი მნიშვნელოვანი ღონისძიებისათვის, სადაც გსურთ შექმნათ დაუვიწყარი მოგონებები.

Why Choose a Fingerprint Guest Book?

Unlike traditional guest books filled with signatures, the Fingerprint Guest Book adds a personal touch by incorporating fingerprints of your guests. It's not just a record of who attended; it's a visual representation of the unique individuals who shared in your joyous moments. Each fingerprint becomes a distinct mark, creating a one-of-a-kind piece of art that you can cherish for years to come.

How to Use the Fingerprint Guest Book:

Using the Fingerprint Guest Book is simple and interactive. Provide an ink pad with a variety of colors to match your event's theme. Guests press their fingertip onto the ink pad and then onto the designated space in the guest book. Encourage creativity by offering multiple colors and allowing guests to personalize their fingerprint with a small message or doodle.

A Personalized Keepsake:

The Fingerprint Guest Book transforms into a beautiful, personalized keepsake that captures the essence of your special day. Watch as the blank pages evolve into a mosaic of colorful fingerprints, each telling a unique story. This interactive element engages guests and creates a sense of unity as they contribute to a collective piece of art.

Preserving Memories Beyond Signatures:

Move beyond conventional signatures and embrace a more intimate way of commemorating your event. The Fingerprint Guest Book is not just a book; it's a living memory, an interactive experience that immortalizes the presence of your loved ones. Every time you flip through its pages, you'll be transported back to the joyous occasion, reliving the warmth and well wishes of those who celebrated with you.

Making Your Event Unforgettable:

Incorporate the Fingerprint Guest Book into your event, and you'll be left with more than just memories; you'll have a tangible piece of art that symbolizes the unique connections forged on that special day. Make your event unforgettable, and let the fingerprints tell the story of the love and laughter shared by all who attended.


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Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.

About your brand

Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.

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